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MERV 13 filters with Nano fiber are an excellent option for applications where improvements in system restriction are needed, but a high level of efficiency is still demanded.

Our unique nanofiber media is not subject to efficiency loss during operation.

What if we told you nearly every other HVAC filter on the market wouldn't actually measure MERV 13 during it's operational life? As odd as it seems that's exactly the case.
Unit of Measure



N/A Clean Liquid Systems

Frame Length

N/A 16 in

Frame Width

N/A 25 in
Filter Depth1 N/A 4 in

Actual Frame Length

N/A 15-3/8 in

Actual Frame Width

N/A 24-3/8 in

Actual Filter Depth

N/A 3-5/8 in

Available Filter Depth

N/A 1 in2 in4 in

Pleat Quantity Per Foot

N/A 15

Media Type

N/A Nanofiber Synthetic


N/A High Capacity

Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) Rating


Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) 13

N/A Efficiency Per 52.2 at 1968 ft³/min

Unit Price

16.02 USD



  • Mechanical efficiency using the latest cutting-edge nanofiber technology
  • No efficiency loss due to electrostatic charge loss
  • Low pressure drop Media with a 70% reduction in carbon footprint compared to electrostatic media

Additional Information

Additional Information

N/A The reason for it is because of old, antiquated technology. Most of the high efficiency filter media on the market has a static charge to temporarily and artificially inflate their efficiencies. The science behind this is simple. The larger fibers have inherently poor distribution in the typical filter media make it impossible to attain MERV 13 at an acceptable restriction without statically changing the media.

The problem is, as the filter loads with dust, these electret charged fibers become blocked and the charge is lost, causing the filter to slowly lose efficiency. You can think of it like socks fresh out of the dryer - they have been statically charged by rubbing on other articles of clothing. For a short period that sock wants to stick to everything….

We have a problem with "for a short period", we feel that selling you something that does not stay MERV 13 is not exactly ethical.

What's so different about the our nanofiber enhanced filters?

We use nanofibers to mechanically filter out particulate, meaning the filter doesn't lose efficiency during operation. In fact its efficiency increases as it gets dirty. The nanofibers are excellent at delivering high mechanical efficiency with extremely low pressure drop due to their extremely uniform distribution and diameters of less than 150 nanometer. Our nanofiber media delivers a reduction in carbon footprint of 70% or more over most electrostatic media. The really good thing about nanofiber is just a little bit gets you a whole lot of performance. This allows our filters to be built with less media weight, meaning lower restrictions, less plastics in the landfill, and a whole lot less petrochemicals to make them.
  • 1 Other depths available upon request for justified quantities